Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gathas Explanation

In 33, the speaker says to follow the "Wise Creator" (Ahura Mazda) and to find and follow the truth. The speaker describes two twins, on good and one evil, saying that the good twin (Ahura Mazda) is full of truth and righteousness and is the one group to choose while the evil twin only wants to destroy life and to encourage people of violence. If you follow the "Spirit of Holy Power, the Good Mind, and Truth", then you will be with Ahura and be enlightened and if you follow the evil twin, you will be subjected to a horrible fate. Basically, if you do good things, then you will be rewarded and if you do bad things, then you will be punished.

In 18, the speaker describes a kind of judgment day, when the people who say untruthfulll things will be in the hands of the people who say the truth. The speaker also says to be like Mazda and the divine spirits, who made the world so perfect. They will also guide you through the truth. Then the evil will be destroyed and goodness, truth, and wisdom will encompass everyone. The speaker then says that the ultimate reward is salvation if you follow the truth and Ahura Mazda.

In 33, the speaker says that the ratu (judge) will give everyone, the people who are good, the ones who are evil, and the ones that are both, what is just from the primeval laws. The speaker then goes on to describe who the people are that revive salvation,"He who opposes Evil by his thought or word, Or by the work of his own two hands, He who instructs people to their good,... He who is most good to the righteous, Be he a noble, or a peasant, or a dependent, He who zealously makes the good living creation flourish,...". The speaker asks Ahura to give him eternal life with him.

In 25, the speaker is talking about the end of his/her life on Earth. He/she asks Mazda to take into consideration his/her goodness, truthfulness, and faithfulness before making the decision to grant them eternal life with him. The speaker says to spread the word of Mazda and the goodness that he gives. The speaker keeps giving Mazda many reasons to let him/her into righteousness and it is very evident that the speaker wants to be with Ahura Mazda very badly.

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