Wednesday, February 26, 2014

HW 2/26/14

Do you buy Menzie's argument that Zheng He's fleet made it to America before Colombus? Evaluate the evidence he used and explain why or why not? 

I do believe that the fleet reached America before Christopher Colombus did in 1492. This is because there is much more evidence to support the Chinese than Colombus. Menzie talks about the tides and the wind and how even if the Chinese put up their sails, they would still end up in the Carribean. He also describes the shark mounds in Bimini, which are most likely the remains of some junks that crashed there while there was a hurricane and the land was a sand bank. Menzie also talks about the relationship between the Chinses and Native Americans. All of the places that an explorer described had Native Americans whose's DNA was similar to that of the Chinese. The Narive American DNA and the DNA of a Chinese person are very similar. This is why I believe that the Cninese fleet reached America before the Europeans and Colombus.

Monday, February 10, 2014

HW 2/10

What are the five examples of proof that Aquinas gives to prove the existence of God?

1. The first is motion. That things that have been moved had to be moved by something. Also that things that are in potential existence and in actual existence were  right there by some force. 

2. The second is one even can cause a chain of events that could go on indefinitely.

3. The third thing is if all things were possible, then nothing would exist in the world and if nothing existed, then nothing would be able to start.  All things are not by accident and have a purpose.

4. The fourth thing is that something's has to create all of the goodness and perfection on the world and everything that exists on the planet.

5. The fifth thing is that there is a certain order that things happen in our lives and an order to what we see.