Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HW 4/14

I am confused on who else has territories in India other than Britian and also I am confused about who has colonies on Oceana.

Compare and contrast the sorts of adjectives Kipling uses to describe native peoples as opposed to Europeans; how does his very language usage convey his sense of white superiority?

He uses words of discouragement like devil and savage and famine while he uses joyous words like sons and peers. He uses words that describe a group of people who are equal to eachother bit are lesser than God by calling them peers while he uses words like devil and savage to describe the natives as discusting and beneath them. Using sons and peers gives the Europeans and sense of power over the natives of the land, allowing them to do as they please.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ottoman Political Cartoon

The reform that I picked was the reform about the education system. In this reform, the Ottomans created a system where everyone could get free primary and secondary schooling, making you elidagle to go and study at the university. This reform is pimperwnt because it made the Ottoman Empire, as a whole, become more educated. The younger generation became smarter than their ancestors making them more capable to creat a sufficient country and develop a cunning government.

This cartoon shows people watching over the people of the Ottoman Empire growing up; watching them go from children to adults. Theseeople are the people in the ministry. They have big heads to show their importance and their power and influence over the people below them (notice how they are at the top of the page looking down at the others). I labels each school and put the same number of people in each school with arrows to depict that they are growing up and receiving an education as they do this.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

HW 4/6

How do the plans of the Young Turks privilege their own age cohort within the Ottoman empire, particularly in terms of voting rights and education?

All of the subjects under Ottoman rule were able to vote by the age of 20. They did not discriminate agains the people the had taken over. The Young Turks created a system of primary and secondary schools which lead to going to a university which would all would be under watch of the state ministry of education. Also all primary education was free and mandatory. This shows that they put an emphasis on equality and education, which will be valed when trying to expand their empire on future generations.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Niall Ferguson TED Talk Video

I agree with Ferguson with his reasons on the great divergence. His reasons seem accurate and are well supported with his examples of East and West Germany and North and South Korea. They support the idea that it's the government and the ideas of the people that induce prosperity and wealth contrary to the thought that property brings wealth and prosperity.

Anatomy of Revolution

Stage 1 (causes): the middle class must be wealthy and feel like they do not have justice economic wise, develops intellectuals and gains their support, and makes their economic power known my politicians, and the government must me financially weak.

Stage 2 (1st stage of revolution): They fight the difference in taxation, 2 groups begin to form, the revolution'a lead by a small body without centeralized planning, the government uses force to stop it which doesn't work leading to the monarchy being unable to rule.

Stage 3 (2nd stage of revolution): The moderate revolutionaries and the radical ones begin to fight, the radicals win due to organized fighting, and there is a period of radical power called Terror.

Stage 4 (3rd stage of revolution): The terror starts to end and the moderates come back into control kicking out the radicals from their spots in power and they become scapegoats for the new government, a uniform religion is established and life returns to normal.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

HW 3/8/14

Where is the silver going? 
Silver was going to China. China was the biggest buyer of silver in the world at the time the New World was founded.

Where is it coming from? 
Spanish America, Mexico and Peru, produced most of the silver in the world. It produced 15,000 tons of silver by itself between 1500 & 1800 and produced 80% of the world's silver.

Who are the major players in the 'silver trade'?
The mayor players in the silver trade were Europe, Asia (China), North America, and South America.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Columbus Day

It think that Columbus should deserve a day because it is unknown if anyone founded the Americans before he did. He is the only one that claimed it so it is unknown if he was the first one. He also doesn't deserve a day because there is evidence that he was not the first person to find the Americas. I am 50/50.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DBQ Reflection 3/4

I like the idea of the DBQ but I didn't understand how to write it. I think it would be easy to write if I knew how to write it. I think the most challenging part was trying to write the these since that is what everything is based off of. I think that the next time we do it, I will have a better understanding of it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

HW 2/26/14

Do you buy Menzie's argument that Zheng He's fleet made it to America before Colombus? Evaluate the evidence he used and explain why or why not? 

I do believe that the fleet reached America before Christopher Colombus did in 1492. This is because there is much more evidence to support the Chinese than Colombus. Menzie talks about the tides and the wind and how even if the Chinese put up their sails, they would still end up in the Carribean. He also describes the shark mounds in Bimini, which are most likely the remains of some junks that crashed there while there was a hurricane and the land was a sand bank. Menzie also talks about the relationship between the Chinses and Native Americans. All of the places that an explorer described had Native Americans whose's DNA was similar to that of the Chinese. The Narive American DNA and the DNA of a Chinese person are very similar. This is why I believe that the Cninese fleet reached America before the Europeans and Colombus.

Monday, February 10, 2014

HW 2/10

What are the five examples of proof that Aquinas gives to prove the existence of God?

1. The first is motion. That things that have been moved had to be moved by something. Also that things that are in potential existence and in actual existence were  right there by some force. 

2. The second is one even can cause a chain of events that could go on indefinitely.

3. The third thing is if all things were possible, then nothing would exist in the world and if nothing existed, then nothing would be able to start.  All things are not by accident and have a purpose.

4. The fourth thing is that something's has to create all of the goodness and perfection on the world and everything that exists on the planet.

5. The fifth thing is that there is a certain order that things happen in our lives and an order to what we see.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mongol Trial

The rest of the week I have been getting my facts in order and answers in order with Maya, one of our lawyers.

Mongol Trial

This week we had the trial. The defense had some good arguments but the prosecution was on the ball. Michelle caught the defense's witnesses lying in the stand and changing their stories quite often. Our (the prosecution) witnesses did well and we were firm on the stand. In my eyes I think that we won the trial but that is up for Judge Ms. Fishel to decide.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mongol Trial

The rest of the week I have been getting my facts in order and answers in order with Maya, one of our lawyers.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Mongol Trial

Yesterday I made a background story for my character. I am a peasant from the Yuan Dynasty in China when the Mongols invaded. Tori's character and my character are related. She is my sister-in-law.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mongol Trial

Today I went through the chapter and took notes on the Mongols and China. I also put them into the prosecutor's google doc. The information that I got is on the picture below.