Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Islamic Readings (HW 11/20)

1. What do the selections on mathematics and the scientific description of smallpox tell you about Islamic values?
They tell you that both mathematics and religion are in Islamic values. They both of them are important. They don't criticize or praise one eachother. The Islamic culture values intelligence, creativity, and the understanding of the world around you.

2. According to Al-Ghazzali, should mathematics and religion he separated? Why or why not? 
According to Al-Ghazzali, mathematics and religion shouldn't be separated. He says that they are connected and one can't be without the other. He said that they should both be followed together because they don't condemn or approve eachother.

3. In what ways is Al-Ghazzali thinking similar to Plato's allegory to the cave? In what ways do they diverge? 
They are similar in that they believe that someone or something would lead them to the truth or they would find it themselves. They are different because Al-Ghazzali believes that god will lead a person to the truth, while Plato does not specify who would lead a person to the truth. Also Al-Ghazzali doesn't believe that a person will know when they see truth because a person can never be sure if what they see is truth or not. There is no definite way to tell or see the difference. Plato thinks a person will know when they see the truth. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

HW 11/7 (Primary Source)

1.) The purpose of creating this code was to regulate "all affairs both divine and human", to expel "all injustice", and "to collect and revise the whole body of Roman jurisprudence". This means that it was set up to regulate people's lives, to serve as justice for wrong doing, and look after the Roman people.

2.) The text cites Lex Regia as the source of Roman law.

3.) The text teaches us that the Byzantine people were heavily influenced by Christianity, left everything to God and put their faith and fate into His hands, they feuded with the Roman Empire and thought that they were better than the Roman Empire and everyone else.

Chapter 13: SPICE Chart

Monday, November 4, 2013

Transformation HW

I do not agree with the idea of Transformation. This is the thought that the Roman Empire did not fall but rather developed into a new empire with the invading Germanic Tribes. I do not think that this happened because it was attacked by so many invades, especially the Huns, there was the spread of epidemic diseases, a lack of good leadership, and land owners began to gain a lot of power and form their own armies.